11 Proven Strategies for Sustainable Weight Loss

May 11,2023

11 proven strategies for sustainable weight loss

About Sustainable Weight Loss

When it comes to sustainable weight loss, it refers to a healthy and balanced way of losing weight, which can be maintained for the long term. Unlike crash dieting or extreme exercise, long-term weight loss normally involves making gradual and sustained lifestyle changes that promote a long-term weight loss success, such as eating a balanced diet, engaging in regular physical activity, and making healthy choices in everyday life.

Even though its slow process seems less competitive when compared to other fat loss approaches, it has an absolute advantage in terms of safety. No negative side effects associated with crash diets would be caused. So you don’t have to take any risk of hair loss, nutrient deficiencies, metabolism deterioration, etc. In summary, sustainable fat loss is a long-term commitment rather than a short-term fix to living a healthy lifestyle, which requires patience, dedication, and willpower to make gradual and lasting changes to your habits over time.

Why To Choose Sustainable Weight Loss

Continuable weight loss is important for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, improving overall health, and even enhancing quality of life. Excess weight and obesity can lead to some chronic diseases, like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, certain types of cancer, etc. long-term dieting is helpful to reduce the risk of these conditions to improve physical health, so that less healthcare would be cost. Apart from that, weight loss can benefit mental health. It’s reported that people who lose weight often feel more confident, happier, and less anxious or depressed. Therefore, they are more willing to socialize and participate in activities with others, which strengthens their connections to society. Now you can imagine that if your sustainable body slimming goals were achieved, you would definitely feel more confident in yourself. Not only can more positive feedback on your improved appearance be received from others, but also a sense of accomplishment can be inspired.

Furthermore, maintaining a healthy weight can boost your energy and vitality for the reason that excess weight will cause extra strain on your body to make you feel tired and lethargic. As a result, sustainable losing fat makes it easier to engage in physical activities and healthy behaviors for an improved life quality, which can also allow a significant positive impact on your self-esteem and confidence. More than that, self discipline can also be cultivated from that. The more you stick to weight management, the more control you may have over life.

Since sustainable body slimming is of so much importance, how to lose weight in a sustainable way should be taken into consideration. Apart from a balanced diet consisting of wholefood is known as an effective approach, there are many other keep weight off for long tips certificated by professional trainers. Now you can find out a comprehensive guide to the top 11 weight loss tips that actually works below.

See 11 Proven Strategies for Sustainable Weight Loss

1. Create a Caloric Deficit

If you consume fewer calories than you burn, you are more likely to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. Conversely, your body will store extra energy as fat when consuming more calories than your body’s needs for energy, which can lead to weight gain and related health problems. One of the most effective measures to decrease your calorie intake through portion control, cutting back on high-calorie sugary drinks, fast food, processed food, etc., and replacing with low-calorie foods that mainly contain whole, nutrient-dense and fiber-rich foods such as whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables.

Another way is to increase your physical activity. Keeping regular cardiovascular exercise can help you burn more calories and improve your overall wellness. Besides going to the gym for systematic training, you can also make it more involved in your daily life, such as taking stairs instead of the elevator, going for a walk after dinner, etc. A more effective calorie deficit can be thus created by combining healthy eating habits with regular exercising. However, it should be noted that no matter drastic calorie restriction or overexercising can be great harm to your health. A calorie deficit should be conducted in a sustainable way rather than a radical way. For another, people’s caloric needs vary from person to person, the appropriate caloric intake and activity level should be determined based on your individual physical condition and actual weight loss goals.

2. Incorporate Strength Training

Strength training is also known as resistance training, which trains muscles in specific body areas by using resistance like weights or bodyweight. A significant number of calories can be burned during exercise, especially when you incorporate some useful techniques, like high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Through this kind of training, your overall body composition can be improved and you can thus get a leaner appearance for the reason that your lean muscle mass has been greatly increased from that.

Since muscle tissue is metabolically active, the more muscle mass you have, the more energy your body needs to maintain it. Therefore, strength training is proven to be effective for metabolism promotion so that more calories can be consumed even when you are not exercising. Studies have supported that resting metabolic rate (RMR) can be increased up to 7% in the 24-72 hours after you take a strength workout, which is known as the after-burn effect or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. So taking regular strength training exercise can allow you a higher-rated fat burning to lose weight more easily.

To get the most benefit from strength training, it is recommended to exercise at least twice a week, which can effectively promote muscle growth targeting major muscle groups, such as the chest, back, legs, and arms. You can gradually increase the weight or resistance used in the exercises to continue challenging your muscles. So incorporate strength training into your fitness routine and let it help to promote your sustainable fat loss and improve your overall health.

3. Increase Cardiovascular Exercise

As a type of exercise that can improve your overall cardiovascular health, cardio plays an important role in calorie burning and metabolism boosting when it comes to weight loss. For the reason that cardio can increase the number of mitochondria in your cells, which are responsible for converting food into energy, your body becomes more efficient at burning calories even when you’re at rest, which can help with long-term weight management. Besides that, it can help to effectively reduce fat not only around the belly and waistline, but also surround your organs, which is called visceral fat that is typically harder to lose than subcutaneous fat, so that the risk of chronic diseases can be lowered if proper cardio is taken.

For a more effective weight loss, cardio should be incorporated into a well-rounded fitness routine, including strength training, flexibility exercises and even a healthy diet. Here are some common cardio types that are easy to pick up in daily life. First, walking can be considered as a simple way to get your heart rate up and burn calories. As a low-impact exercise that can be done anywhere, it’s a great option for those who are just starting out. Then, if you want to slightly increase the exercising intensity, running or jogging is recommended. Even though long-term running or jogging may cause joint pain to a certain extent, it’s indeed an effective way to lose weight. Cycling is also an ideal choice that can greatly avoid joint damage. Moreover, swimming can be also easy on the joints, which is one of the best all-around cardio workouts. If you would like to make your exercising more fun, dancing can bring you an entertaining experience as well as satisfying weight loss results. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is one of the most popular types of exercise right now. It involves short bursts of intense activity followed by periods of rest to achieve a more efficient fat loss.

4. Set Realistic Goals

It’s worth reminding that weight loss goals you set should be possible to be achieved after periodic effort to help you stay motivated and track your progress. If your goals are too unrealistic, you may become discouraged about losing weight when you don't see progress as quickly as you had hoped, leading to frustration and disappointment in your weight loss journey.

So just set achievable weight loss goals according to your individual needs and abilities, and you can even consult with a healthcare professional when you feel uncertain about that. It should be noted that you should try to make your goals specific, measurable and time-bound, so that you can define exactly what you want to achieve, how you will measure progress, and how long you need to reach your goal. For example, rather than saying “I want to lose weight,” you might say, “I want to lose 10 pounds in the next three months by exercising for 30 minutes a day and eating a healthy, balanced diet.” Then learn to celebrate your achievements regularly, no matter how small they are, to increase your confidence.

Finally, please remember weight loss is not always a linear process, and there may be setbacks along the way, which takes you much time and effort. Don't let temporary setbacks discourage you from continuing to work towards your ultimate goal. Be patient and kind to yourself, and be flexible and willing to adjust your goals as needed. With a realistic weight loss goal, an active lifestyle and positive habits, you can achieve sustainable and improve your overall health and well-being.

5. Find a Support System

When it comes to weight loss, a support network can be incredibly beneficial. Greater accountability should be the first benefit. A supportive network can help stay accountable to your weight loss goals when you realize others expect you to stick to the plan. Your friends or family can help you stay on track, check in on your progress, and offer encouragement or other emotional support when you are feeling discouraged or struggling. Then a stronger motivation can be inspired through seeing others succeed in reaching their weight loss goals. A support system can remind you why you started and encourage you to keep pushing yourself, even when you feel like giving up. Last but not the least, valuable knowledge and information on weight loss strategies can be provided by a supportive network, such as healthy eating habits, workout routines, and wellness tips, which can help you stay active and engaged in weight loss.

Here are some ideas below to help you find a community for weight loss. First, you are recommended to join an organization support group so that you can meet regularly with your members to share experiences, offer practical tips, and provide emotional support. Then you can also use social media, online forums or mobile apps to join online communities dedicated to weight loss and healthy living, where you can find more people who are working towards similar weight loss goals. Local meetups in your area is another choice. You can find these groups that focus on health and wellness through websites, local fitness centers or health clubs. It’s worth mentioning that you can take full advantage of your own network. Share your weight loss goals with family and friends to get their daily support, powerful encouragement and even progress tracking in your weight loss journey. Moreover, if one of them shows interest in losing weight, he/she can be considered as a workout partner, which can provide mutual accountability and motivation.

Suggested Read: 10 Things to Know About the Psychology of Weight Loss

6. Practice Mindful Eating

Practicing mindful eating can be a powerful tool in preventing overeating and promoting weight loss. Mindful eating is the practice of being present and fully engaged in the experience of eating, which involves paying attention to the taste, texture, and smell of food, and listening to your body's fullness and hunger cues. Insist on practicing mindful eating can help you increase awareness of hunger and fullness. You will become more aware of your body’s signals and sensations, which allows you to recognize when you're full and stop eating before you overeat. In addition, mindful eating can slow down your eating, which helps you savor each bite so that you would feel more satisfied with less food. feel fuller faster. Furthermore, emotional eating can be reduced when you eat mindfully. You will be better able to identify whether you’re eating for hunger or emotional reasons, like stress, boredom, sadness, which can help you make healthier choices and avoid overeating. Apart from that, you will be more likely to focus on the food quality rather than quantity, and choose healthier and nutrient-dense foods. Overall, practicing mindful eating can help you develop a healthier relationship with food, and make it easier to maintain a healthy weight over time.

7. Limit Processed Foods

Consuming processed foods on a regular basis can have negative effects on weight loss. Then let’s specify how processed foods hinder weight loss efforts. Due to their characteristics, many processed foods are high in calories and low in nutrition such as vitamins, minerals and fiber that can make you feel fuller for longer. Therefore, processed foods make it more challenging to maintain a calorie deficit necessary for weight loss. And you may feel hungry more often due to the lack of nutrients, no matter macronutrients or micronutrients, which can lead to overeating and weight gain. What’s more, processed foods are often high in added sugar, which can cause blood sugar spikes, leading to increased cravings for more sugary foods. Additionally, processed foods may contain additives, such as preservatives and artificial flavors, which can disrupt the body's natural hunger and satiety signals, and make it more difficult to regulate appetite and stay on track with a healthy diet plan. 

As a consequence, you should make meal prep ahead of time, and incorporate more whole and unprocessed foods recommended by food journals into your diet, which includes whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Then cooking at home is also an effective way to control your sugar intake and salt intake, which allows you to better know what ingredients you use.

8. Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial to maintain a healthy weight. Sleeping is an important factor to regulate hormones that affect appetite and metabolism, like ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin can stimulate appetite, while leptin signals fullness. Lack of sleep can disrupt the hormones, leading to increased hunger and overeating. Enough sleep also works for stress reduction, which restrains stress hormones like cortisol. When cortisol levels are high, the body tends to store fat in the abdominal area, which can be difficult to lose. Besides that, getting enough sleep can also help you feel more energized and motivated to exercise, aiding your weight loss by burning calories and building muscle mass. To support your weight loss goals, it's recommended that adults get 7-9 hours of sleep per night. You can optimize your sleep by establishing a regular sleep routine, avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed, creating a relaxing sleep environment, etc. 

9. Practice Self-Care

Taking care of yourself can be helpful to your stress management, mood boosting, and motivation inspiring to achieve your goals. Here are some ways to incorporate self-care into your weight loss journey. First of all, try to practice mindfulness to help you control stress and anxiety so that overeating can be greatly avoided. You can find a quiet place to sit and focus on your breath, or try a guided meditation app like Headspace or Calm. Then, taking a relaxing bath or getting a soothing massage can be considered as effective approaches to release tension and ease muscles. Another way is to practice static exercise like yoga, which helps you to concentrate on mind-body connection, besides endurance training, flexibility increasing , and balance improving. Last but not the least, learn to keep positive self-talk in your daily life and often listen to your inside. So that you can be more focused on yourself rather than the outside world, which would fasten your weight loss process.

10. Drink Plenty of Water

It’s well known that staying hydrated benefits overall health. Now let’s emphasize its powerful support in losing weight. If you drink water before meals, you will feel fuller and eat less, which can effectively reduce your calorie intake. And drinking water can also help prevent overeating, because sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger. Moreover, keeping drinking water can help boost your metabolism, thus burning more calories throughout the day. Another reason for why hydration is one of the most important keys to weight loss is that it helps flush toxins and waste out of the body.

Here are some approaches that can help you incorporate more water into your daily routine. Carrying a water bottle with you is an effective way to remind you to often drink water. Or you can set drinking-water reminders to ensure your daily water intake. If water seems too tasteless for you, you can infuse with fruit or tea to get a refreshing and flavorful drink with additional health benefits. Eating hydrating foods like watermelon, cucumbers and strawberries can also help to increase body water content.

11. Limit Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol has several negative effects on weight loss, including increasing your calorie intake, decreasing your metabolism, disrupting your sleep, increasing the risk of dehydration, etc. First of all, alcoholic drinks are often high in calories, so drinking too much leads to taking in more calories without even realizing it. More than that, excessive alcohol consumption can slow down your metabolism, which makes it harder to burn calories and lose weight. Alcohol can also disrupt your sleep, which can interfere with your body's ability to regulate appetite and hormone levels, resulting in overeating. As mentioned in the last tip, staying hydrated plays an important role in weight loss. But drinking too much can increase the risk of dehydration for the reason that it’s a diuretic, which can cause water retention, bloating, and weight gain. 

Therefore, you should drink alcohol in moderation. Try to limit your alcohol consumption down to 1~2 drinks per day, which can directly reduce the calories you take in and thus minimize alcohol’s negative effects on weight loss. Choose lower-calorie drinks like light beer or wine, instead of sugary cocktails, if you have to drink. Then remember to drink water between alcoholic drinks, so that you can stay hydrated. Regularly take a break from drinking for a period of time, such as a week or a month, to help reset your habits and reduce your tolerance to alcohol. When all of these actions are done, if you still have trouble reducing your alcohol intake, it’s recommended to seek support from a healthcare provider, counselor, or support group. They can help you develop strategies for managing cravings and reducing your alcohol consumption.


Sustainable body slimming is a long-term process that requires you to be more patient and persevering. As final thoughts and recommendations on strategies, the priority should be given to a healthy diet. Keeping balanced eating habits can do you a great favor in losing weight. Then involve regular physical activities into your daily routine, including cardio, strength training, or other activities that you enjoy. Try to find physical activities that you enjoy and incorporate them into your long-term lifestyle. Prioritizing sleep is important for weight loss, aiming for 7-9 hours of sleep per night to regulate appetite and metabolism. Stress management should also be taken into consideration, for that reason that emotion plays a critical part in weight loss journey. Overall, way lose weight is not a quick fix but a journey that requires lifestyle changes. By adopting healthy habits and making small changes over time, you can achieve sustainable weight loss and improve your overall health and well-being.

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